Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Catching up!

Sometimes life feels like a game of catch-up. Sometimes I feel like that creatively. I constantly feel the need, or pressure to be creative. But one thing or another gets in the way. And this feeling of being "behind" where you should be, only serves to block the creative process. That's why I decided to accept the challenge of Tracy Verdugo, an amazing artist, to create an abstract piece of painting for thirty days. I must admit I jumped into the challenge without really thinking it through.


I usually take a few weeks, or even months to finish a painting. With this challenge I had to stop overthinking everything I did. I had to get out of my head. It was terrifying and yet strangely exhilerating! We were allowed to skip a few days here and there if we needed to, life happens. I also had to travel during the challenge. Which is why I'm only on day 18. But, I have learnt so much about myself as an artist. I have also had to go back to the basics of composition and color theory. It has been invigorating. I still have 12 days to go. But I'm excited about creating again. I'm not saying that every piece of the art that I've created for this challenge has been a masterpiece; sometimes I post what I've created just to post something! So if you're stuck in a rut, challenge yourself to do something different. And then just lean back and enjoy the ride.


Cecile Ullrich said...

I’ve loved what you’ve posted!
Thank you for sharing your journey with us. ��

Louise said...

Thanks Cecile!